Adventures of MoMeDiDo

secret santa + cpk + poker

we all met up at the california pizza kitchen at prudential for dinner, and that was where we revealed who our secret santas and secret elves were! but since only 4 ppl participated, we kinda already knew (or think we knew) who had whom. it turned out that the mind games we played with monica worked. she was totally confused. but anyways, we all ate TONS.. and damn! that spinach + artichoke dip was yummy!!

[L] meg + di. [R] monica, counting out pennies? mo money mo problems..

[L] wow, u're good at that, huh, mo. [R] di looking wearily at meg (eating is tiring!)

smiling for the camera!

[L] outside the candy store, after buying a bunch of jelly bellies. we're betting them for poker tonite!
[R] on the taxi to beacon st + mass ave. we were trying to catch the senate bus! we ended up getting there early.. it was pouring rain, so we tried to seek shelter in a BU building, but NOOO, the stupid guard kicked us out. he was so bitter and evil! my god! he was like, GET OUT AND STAY OUT!! seriously.. wow. i hate BU now..

oh, this was in my room, after we opened up all our ss presents. let the poker begin!
look at our pile of JELLY BELLIES! yummy yummy in my tummy..

monica warning us that she's gonna fart any second now..

pix taken 12.14.01
added 12.19.01